Paul O'Brien, Founder and I Ching Expert

Paul O'Brien
Gemini Sun. Cancer Moon. Leo Rising.

Paul O'Brien -- or "Paulo," as he's affectionately known -- is an I Ching expert, original founder of, and the father of interactive divination. Since the 1980s, he's led the charge to bring divinatory tools and technology to the masses.

After 15 years working in high tech, Paul took a leap by producing the first I Ching program, Synchronicity, inventing the category of divination software in the process. He later produced two CDs, "Oracle of Changes" and "Tarot Magic," and founded in 1995 as a home for divination content on the web. More recently, Paul has launched the Visionary I Ching app.

Paul continues to share his vast knowledge and experience through the Pathways Podcast. He's also released three books -- The Visionary I Ching, Divination: Sacred Tools for Reading the Mind of God, and Intuitive Intelligence: Make Life-Changing Decisions with Perfect Timing. He resides in Portland, Oregon.

Follow Paul: Podcast | Website | YouTube

Articles by Paul O'Brien
