WoW Classic server populations (June 2022) - How to swap, more

While WoW Classic represents the millennial era of World of Warcraft, it remains ever popular. Here are all of the WoW Classic server populations for this month in June 2022.

While thousands of players chose to pick up their mouse and keyboard and plunge into the title’s latest Retail expansion, WoW Shadowlands, there are still millions of OG Warcraft fans traversing the plains of the WoW Classic universe.

With the rerelease of the iconic Burning Crusade expansion, fans flocked to WoW Classic every day to try and work out what all of the hype is about.

Initially, this had an impact on the title‘s server numbers (dubbed ‘realms’ in-game), but things have now started to drop off and level out. So, without further ado, let’s delve into the WoW Classic server populations for June 2022.

Updated June 16, 2022.


The Burning Crusade expansion introduces the iconic Draenei into the WoW fray.

WoW Classic server populations (June 2022)

For all of the current WoW Classic server populations, see the table below. Please note, however, that this is only for EU and US servers.

AmnennarEU French1,1922,1093,301
AnathemaUS West000
Arcanite ReaperUS West000
ArugalUS Oceanic3,2265,7789,004
AshkandiUS East1,2112,0443,255
AtieshUS West6,3461,4147,760
AuberdineEU French4,0612,5856,646
AzuresongUS West9643201,284
BenedictionUS East29,39321129,604
BigglesworthUS West000
BlaumeuxUS West000
BloodfangEU English000
Bloodsail BuccaneersUS East1,0452401,285
CelebrasEU German343266
Deviate DelightUS East213
Dragon’s CallEU German000
DreadmistEU English000
EarthfuryUS East46150196
EarthshakerEU English6,356466,402
EverlookEU German6,3081,8498,157
FaerlinaUS East19124,67024,861
FairbanksUS West000
FelstrikerUS Oceanic268
FinkleEU French000
FiremawEU English18,09412,91331,007
FlamelashEU English000
GandlingEU English000
GehennasEU English9220,61420,706
GolemaggEU English1,0646,4427,506
GrobbulusUS West9,4139,90519,318
HeartseekerUS East033
HeartstrikerEU German000
HerodUS East000
Hydraxian WaterlordsEU English000
IncendiusUS East000
JudgementEU English000
KirtonosUS East404
KromcrushUS East000
KurinnaxUS West000
LakeshireEU German2,1941,2643,458
LoathebUS Latin13233
LucifronEU German033
MankrikUS West19510,58310,778
Mirage RacewayEU English4,3882,1406,628
MograineEU English542,5232,577
MyzraelUS West1,0034881,491
Nethergarde KeepEU English2,9221,5454,467
NetherwindUS East000
NoggenfoggerEU English000
Old BlanchyUS East507387894
PagleUS West10,1313110,162
PatchwerkEU German2181,7531,971
Pyrewood VillageEU East6,4491,7578,206
RattlegoreUS West000
RazorfenEU German2,1782,3134,491
RazorgoreEU English13350363
RemulosUS Oceanic2,0408642,094
ShazzrahEU English303
SkeramUS East000
SkullflameEU English033
SmolderwebUS West000
StalaggUS East000
StonespineEU English000
SulfurasUS East203,0743,094
SulfuronEU French2,9514,4047,355
Sul’thrazeUS Brazil4610
Ten StormsEU English000
ThalnosUS East000
ThunderfuryUS West000
TranscendenceEU German6271,3071,934
VenoxisEU German5,59510,16515,760
WestfallUS East4,24174,248
WhitemaneUS West11714,04714,164
WindseekerUS East1,6051,5243,129
YojambaUS Oceanic2,0673,0695,136
Zandalar TribeEU English000

This information was obtained via IronForge.

What are realms in WoW Classic?

When you first launch into WoW, you’re likely more interested in getting your character battle-ready than checking which server (or realm) you’re on.

The realm that you’re currently in is displayed at the top right-hand side of the main screen. You’ll see your list of characters, and just above it will be your realm.

Changing servers can be a pretty complex task.

Can you change realm in WoW Classic?

Say you’ve just hopped into WoW, then realized that your friends are in a different realm from yourself. Of course, you don’t want to lose everything you’ve worked for, but changing server is a double-edged sword for many.

To change the server you’ll need to purchase a Character Transfer from the shop for £19/$25. Note that you cannot transport your Classic character into Retail WoW.

To get a Character Transfer, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  • Log into WoW Classic and stay on the main character menu.
  • Select the ‘Shop’ button in the bottom left corner.
  • Select ‘Services,’ then ‘Character Transfer.’
  • Choose which character you want to transport, and your current realm.
  • Tick the ‘Transfer Realm‘ box.
  • From here, choose your new realm from the right-hand dropdown menu.
  • Click ‘Continue.’
  • For all of the specifics you need, Blizzard’s terms and conditions are here.

    So that’s everything you need to know about realms and server population in WoW Classic! Make sure you check out all of the servers available to you before making your final choice.

    If you’re new to the world of WoW Classic and Retail or are a little rusty, here are all of our guides to help you explore the Burning Crusade and more:

    5 best WoW addons, ranked | How to install addons in WoW Burning Crusade Classic | Best fishing spots in WoW Classic | Best healer classes for Classic dungeons and raids | Classic fishing guide | How to find each faction’s Auction House | How to Layer Hop | How to farm gold in WoW Burning Crusade Classic | Best race for each class in Shadowlands | WoW Shadowlands Mage Tower guide
