The HGTV reality show consists of a total of six episodes, the episode will air every Sunday at 9:00 p.m. The second episode will be available on June 11.
The first episode was a two-hour-long special episode, the first challenge is completed and the viewers are eager to know about the second challenge.
As the show progresses, we will be able to see the best out of every contestant, and also everyone is excited to see the title winners.
With the little twist and turns, the format of the show seems to be the same as the previous Battle on the Beach seasons.
As per the show format, the winner of the competition show is only one team, but the team can prove their worth every week and gain the value of their property by being weekly winners.
In season 1, the first episode was won by team Alison with team members Sunjay and Darryl.
In Season 2, Team Victoria which includes Paige and Corey Cyr of Ft. McMurray, Alberta, Canada won this challenge.
Battle on the Beach Season 3 kitchen winner of the first week is Ty Pennington and his team. The episode premiered on June 4, 2023.
In Season 1 of the HGTV show, Team Pennington along with his team member Sunny and Josh won the Main Suit weekly challenge.
Team Pennington won the Main Suite Mayhem weekly challenge in season 2. Team members are Wally Remaley and Jacqueline Matoza.
The season 1, Living Room Showdown weekly challenge was won by team Tanya Nayak with her team member Kerry and David.
In season 2, the winner of this challenge was Team Alison along with her team member.
In season 3, the winner of the Living Room challenge was Team Ty Pennington with his team members Asley Basnight and Steve Lewis.
The winner of the Kids Room battle challenge was Sunny and Josh from Team Pennington in season 1.
The father and son duo Roosevelt and Brandyn Chambers of St. Louis, Missouri mentored by Tanya Nayak won this challenge in season 2.
In Season 2, the winner of this weekly challenge was Team Pennington with his two other team members.