Street Fighter Duel, a mobile offering of the ever-popular fighting game franchise from Capcom, contains many of the iconic characters that fans know and love. Unfortunately, the game’s extensive roster often causes plenty of confusion among players as to who they should include in their lineup. To help you out in your quest to be the best, we’ve created a comprehensive tier list of all fighters in the game. Here are the characters you should take note of and those that you should ignore.
Related: How to reroll in Street Fighter Duel
Tier | Fighter Name |
S | M. Bison, Mad Ryu, Gen, Juri, Rose |
A | Dhalsim, Cammy, Chun Li, Poison, Adon, Beast Zangief, C. Viper, Fashion Sakura, Combat Guile, Elena, Mayor Cody, E. Honda, Fashion Blanka, Guile |
B | Makoto, Yang, Hugo, Blanka, Decapre, Fei Long, Yun, Guy, Ken, Ryu, Abel, Charming Dudley |
C | Cody, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, Sakura, Ibuki, Dudley, Zangief |
D | Rufus, Dan, Hakan, Rolento |
The strongest character in the game by far is M. Bison. This is mainly because of his passive skill, which allows him to negate any damage and regenerate 40% of his health once he takes a fatal blow as long as an ally remains on the field.
Related: Street Fighter: Duel codes
Looking at most of the players on top of the leaderboards, there’s a reason why a lot of them have him in their lineup. However, if you want to bring him into your roster, you’ll only be able to do so by purchasing a specific bundle that costs $99.99.
Luckily, there are still a lot of names that can win you matches without you needing to spend a ton of money. Mad Ryu is an especially powerful character that can be acquired by progressing through the 7-Day Growth page. We absolutely recommend completing as many Growth Missions as you can to acquire him because he can single-handedly demolish an opposing team once he gets to a high enough level.
Chun Li is also an incredibly useful character to have in your lineup as her high speed stat almost always ensures that you get the first hit in a match. Additionally, Dhalsim, Poison, and Cammy are some of the more notable figures to have as well because they can each deal significant damage instantaneously.